Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Game Jam

January 15-17, 2016

Presented by

Fight Magic Run

Time to submit games! You can submit through the following methods:

  1. Email (you can send a zip file with game contents, a downloadable link with instructions for how to play, or a playable url)
  2. Tweet a link to your game to @fightmagicrun:


Bernie needs our help. The Iowa Caucus is coming up soon, and he's had an uphill battle with awareness and donations. It's up to us to help him win.

What is a Game Jam?

A game jam offers a chance to create a game in a short period of time. Usually, it's just for fun, but this time, it's for Bernie.

Why a Game Jam for Bernie?

Games have a unique ability to engage and convey experiences. Games for this jam could, for instance, provide a simulation of an American family trying to make ends meet under Bernie's policies as compared with other candidates. Alternatively, any game that simply reminds voters to get to the polls could also have a big impact.


  • Started at 8PM EST on January 15th.
  • Ends at 8PM EST on January 17th.
  • The game with the most public votes will win the "Revolutionary Prize."
  • "Revolutionaries" from Fight Magic Run will match every public vote for the winning game with $1, up to $100 if the voting goes that high. We have 2 revolutionaries on board so far!
  • Each Fight Magic Run "Citizen" will privately vote in a separate contest for their favorite game and donate $50 to Bernie Sanders in its honor. We have 2 citizens currently.

How can I participate?

Glad you asked. You can:

  • Make a game.
  • Make sprites and sounds for games.
  • Play and vote for games.
  • Share the games with friends.
  • Mentor and pair up with less experienced game makers.
  • Sponsor games created for Bernie as a "Revolutionary" or a "Citizen". In both cases, donations will go through existing funding platforms. We don't collect a fee of any kind. Email me for details.

But I've never made a game before...

No problem. We will be available with sample materials and advice. If you're interested, we'll try to track down a more experienced game making partner for you as well.

Want to get involved?

Register to make and play games for Bernie

Send any and all questions here.